Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I want this hairstyle!!!!

tiffany & co heart ring, friendship bands from Glebe markets, babyanything skull bracelet

I've been sneaking my friendship bands in with my winter get-up to inject some colour into my life!

 Everyone that knows me is aware of how much I want to plait my hair in a milkmaid braid.
From someone who had a platinum blonde bob for like 6 years I have been growing my hair for what seems like FOREVER to get it long enough to do the plaits that then you pin over your head.
After being well aware of my desire to plait, my lovely friend Meg pointed me to this blog 
It has full tutorials on how to achieve this look. 
 As my hair grows it is getting so thick and silky,which sounds good in theory but my best friend and I always joke about my hair is so silky that bobby pins won't stay in it, they just slip out.
When I was chatting to my hair dresser she said that by the time I have hair long enough to plait like this it will weigh like 5kgs when it's stacked up on my head!
I'm in love with these ESPO painted stairs. So glad I met him last year!

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