Sunday, December 4, 2011

To be sure, to be sure x

Meet 'Kelly'.
A her warmth and kindness is only matched by the firey wit that comes out of her naughty little mouth sometimes.

She is a design authority that has a penchant for expensive shoes and covets my handbags frequently.

 Miss Kelly hails from Ireland and is just as comfortable negotiating carat size in Cartier as she is knocking back a pint of Guiness at the pub.

Kelly wears Dinosaur Designs ABSTRACT necklace and BABYANYTHING Shield Ring $160

She is a true friend of mine that I hope I will have forever, just as she will have the ring I made recently forever. I laughed for a while when she confessed that her husband told her that he found the ring 'sexy'...... argh, the bloody Irish, only one thing on their minds!


  1. Thanks Juicy - and the ring really is sexy - hugs and elongates the finger which is lovely - now if you could just design something that would do the same for my legs ;-)) Xx

  2. Hey Sinead,

    You look fab lady!!!! Love the jewellery too. The silver bangles are gorgeous!!
